Bulk Updating

In addition to allowing for inline updating, violet-paginator also exposes functions that can update every item within the list. This might be handy when implementing something like an inbox where you want to mark all messages as read or important. As with single item updating, bulk updating has both an immediate and an asynchronous version.

Async update

updateItemsAsync(itemIds, data, update)

Similar to updateAsync, but accepts a list of ids instead of a single id.

  1. Call updateItems to merge the properties from the data argument into each specified item.
  2. Call updatingItems to indicate that all specified items are waiting for an update from the server.
  3. Call the update promise, provided as the last argument to updateItemsAsync.
  4. If the update promise fails, use resetResults to revert the result list to its previous state. Then dispatch markItemsErrored to indicate that the items failed to update.


import api from 'ROOT/api'
import { composables } from 'violet-paginator'
import * as actionTypes from './actionTypes'

const pageActions = composables({ listId: 'recipes' })

export function markAllRead(messageIds) {
  const data = {
    read: true

  return pageActions.updateItemsAsync(
    api.messages.markAllRead(messageIds, data)

Instant Update

updateItems(itemIds, data)

Use the updateItems action to instantly apply the provided data to the items specified by the itemIds. Example:

import { composables } from 'violet-paginator'

const pageActions = composables({ listId: 'recipes' })

export function toggleRead(recipeIds) {
  return pageActions.updateAll(
    { active: !recipe.get('active') }

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    No results matching ""