Lean Update Tables

This section is for users who need to support inline updating in their paginated lists. If that doesn't describe you, there is no need to read this!

For the rest of you, there are some new decorators that can help optimize performance if your datatable performs inline updates. These will help you build components where only the rows that are being updated will re-render.


The tabulateLean() decorator is used for rendering results lists. This is like tabulate(), except that only the record ids will be injected into the component, rather than the complete record data. The ids can then be fed to a DataRow component or any component decorated with the withRecordProps() decorator for the purpose of rendering each individual row. The purpose of this is to achieve better performance; with this decorator, updating a single row will cause a re-render only for that row. As of version 3, the VioletDataTable component now uses tabulateLean() instead of tabulate so that you can use inline updating with optimal performance.

Injected Property Description
pageActions A set of actions targeting the relevant list
ids An array of ids corresponding to the records in the current page
isLoading Indicates that the list is being fetched


If you are using tabulateLean(), a great way to render each row is to use the DataRow component. You provide this component with the item id and the component that you want to use to render the row, and DataRow will inject the state that your component needs to render.

Behind the scenes, DataRow uses the withRecordProps() decorator to inject state into your component, and leverages context to determine the listId. It can therefore only be used within a component that is decorated with decorators such as tabulate() or tabulateLean() that require a listId as a property.

Required props

The DataRow component requires the following properties:

Property Name Description
itemId The id of the record to be rendered
component The component being used to render the row

Injected props

Wrapping your component in a DataRow will provide it with the following properties:

Injected Property Description
record The record corresponding to the provided id
updating A bool indicating if the record is currently being updated
removing A bool indicating if the record is currently being removed


If you don't want to use the DataRow component, you can decorate a component using the withRecordProps() decorator. This will inject the same properties as DataRow, but you will need to provide the listId yourself. The DataRow component serves as a good example for how withRecordProps() should be used:

import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'
import { withRecordProps } from '../decorators'

export default function DataRow({ component, ...rest }, context) {
  const Component = withRecordProps(component)

  return (
    <Component listId={context.listId} {...rest} />

DataRow.propTypes = {
  component: PropTypes.func.isRequired

DataRow.contextTypes = {
  listId: PropTypes.string

Required Props

Components decorated using withRecordProps() require the following properties:

Property Name Description
listId The id of the paginated list
itemId The id of the record to be rendered

Injected Props

Using withRecordProps() will inject the following props into your decorated component:

Injected Property Description
record The record corresponding to the provided id
updating A bool indicating if the record is currently being updated
removing A bool indicating if the record is currently being removed

These are the same properties injected by DataRow.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""