Removing Items

Async Removal

removeAsync(itemId, remove)

List views often have a control that allows users to delete an item. To support this, violet-paginator exposes a removeAsync action. This accepts the id of the item to remove, and a remove promise representing the call to the server to delete. It then performs the following operations:

  1. Call removingItem to indicate that the item is waiting for removal. You can react to this state with the isRemoving function. This is useful if you want to show some in-progress state or filter the item out prematurely.
  2. If the remove promise succeeds, call removeItem which will remove the item from the list.
  3. If the remove promise fails:
    1. Revert the item using resetItem. If you were reacting to the isRemoving state in step 1, this step will revert that state. That means that your item will come back if you were filtering it out prematurely.
    2. Rethrow the exception for the caller to handle

Example usage:

import api from 'ROOT/api'
import { composables } from 'violet-paginator'
import * as actionTypes from './actionTypes'

const pageActions = composables({ listId: 'recipes' })

export function deleteRecipe(recipe) {
  const id = recipe.get('id')

  return pageActions.removeAsync(

Removal in Progress

If you want to check for a removal in progress, use the isRemoving function:

import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { isRemoving } from 'violet-paginator'

export function ListItem({ isRemoving }) {

export default connect(
  (state, ownProps) => ({ isRemoving: isRemoving(state, 'myList', ownProps.itemId })

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