Global Configuration

Use the configurePageParams method to override defaults application wide. Example configuration:

import { configurePageParams } from 'violet-paginator'

  perPage: 'results_per_page',
  sortOrder: 'sort_reverse',
  sortReverse: true // Means that a boolean will be used to indicate sort direction.

An example URL with this configuration:

Another example config:

  perPage: 'page_size',
  sortOrder: 'direction'

And a corresponding example URL:

The complete list of configuration options and their defaults can be found in the pageInfoTranslator:

Property Name Default Value Description
page 'page' The page number being requested
perPage 'pageSize' The page size being requested
sort 'sort' The field to sort by when requesting a page
sortOrder 'sortOrder' The sort direction for the requested page
sortReverse false Use a boolean to indicate sort direction
totalCount 'total_count' The name of the property on the server response that indicates total record count
results 'results' The name of the property on the server that contains the page of results
id 'id' The name of the property on the record to be used as the unique identifer

results matching ""

    No results matching ""