
This component displays the current page of records in a table with the columns that you specify with the headers property. Column headings will include sort links by default.

To render this component, you must provide a listId and an array of headers:

import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'
import { I18n } from 'react-redux-i18n'
import { VioletDataTable } from 'violet-paginator'

export default function Recipes() {
  const headers = [{
    field: 'name',
    text: I18n.t('')
  }, {
    field: 'created_at',
    text: I18n.t('recipes.created_at')
  }, {
    field: 'boil_time',
    sortable: false,
    text: I18n.t('recipes.boil_time')

  return (
      <VioletDataTable listId="recipes" headers={headers} />

An optional className prop can also be specified for styling purposes.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""