Server Side Rendering

If you are using SSR, there are two ways that you can specify preloaded data to be rendered in the table: by leveraging the initialize action, or be passing at as component props.

Preloading with initialize()

As documented in the section on Composing Actions, the composables function can be used as a factory to generate a list of action creators specific to your list. You can also specify some preloaded data within the composables call, and then call the initialize() action. This will cause your data to be loaded into the reducer, so that when your component renders on the client, it will not need to fetch the data:

const pageActions = composables({ listId: 'posts', preloaded: payload })
return store.dispatch(pageActions.initialize())

Component props

This method is less common, but preloaded data can also be passed directly into your decorated components for the same effect:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { VioletPaginator, VioletDataTable } from 'violet-paginator'

const results = [{
  name: 'Ewe and IPA'
}, {
  name: 'Pouty Stout'

const preloaded = {
  results: results.slice(0, 1),
  totalCount: 2

export default function App() {
  const props = {
    listId: 'recipes'

  const headers = [{
    field: 'name',
    text: 'Name',
    sortable: false

      <VioletPaginator {...props} />
      <VioletDataTable {...props} headers={headers} />

results matching ""

    No results matching ""