
We provide list filtering functionality by exposing four different actions. Calling any of these actions will trigger a request for the first page of data given the updated filters.

setFilter(field, value)

Use this action to set a value for a single filter. As an example, you might have a checkbox that filters inactive items out of the data set. You could define an action creator that uses setFilter like this:

import api from 'ROOT/api'
import { composables } from 'violet-paginator'

export default function fetchRecipes(pageInfo) {

const pageActions = composables({ listId: 'recipes' })

export function showActive(showingActive) {
  return pageActions.setFilter('active', showingActive || undefined);

Note that in this case, we set the value to undefined when showingActive is false, which results in the removal of that filter from the URL. You could set the filter to false instead if you actually wanted to see only inactive recipes.

The component that uses our new action creator could look like this:

import { Map } from 'immutable'
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import * as actions from './actions'

export function ShowActive({ filters, showActive }) {
  const showingActive = !!filters.get('active')
  const onClick = () => showActive(!showingActive)

  return (
      Show only active recipes:
      <input type="checkbox" checked={showingActive} onClick={onClick} />

ShowActive.propTypes = {
  filters: PropTypes.instanceOf(Map).isRequired,
  showActive: PropTypes.func.isRequired

export default connect(
  state => ({
  { showActive: actions.showActive }

Example URL's after filtering:

// after checking box

// after unchecking box


Call this action if you want to set multiple filters at once. The function accepts a plain JavaScript object with all the filters you wish to set. Perhaps you want to filter your list to exclude both inactive and outdated items:

import api from 'ROOT/api'
import { composables } from 'violet-paginator'

export default function fetchRecipes(pageInfo) {

const pageActions = composables({ listId: 'recipes' })

export function showCurrentActiveItems() {
  return pageActions.setFilters({
    active: true,
    last_activity: { gt: '2015-10-31' }


This is similar to setFilters in that it sets multiple filters at once. However, this action will also clear any filters that are not specified by the filters argument.

toggleFilterItem(field, value)

Use this action if the filter you're maintaining represents an array of values. A possible use case might be filtering an employee list by one or more job titles:

import api from 'ROOT/api'
import { composables } from 'violet-paginator'

export default function fetchRecipes(pageInfo) {

const pageActions = composables({ listId: 'recipes' })

export function toggleDevelopers() {
  return pageActions.toggleFilterItem('job_title', 'dev');

export function toggleExecutives() {
  return pageActions.toggleFilterItem('job_title', 'exec');

results matching ""

    No results matching ""