Using Decorators

Calling any of our decorator functions on your component will wrap it in a component called the PaginationWrapper. This process adds properties to your component to allow it to interact with violet-paginator, and also adds lifecycle hooks so that a new page of results will be requiested at the appropriate time. All decorators require a listId property.

As an example, see the Flipper component below:

import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'
import { flip } from './decorators'
import { Prev } from './Prev'
import { Next } from './Next'

export function Flipper(props) {
  return (
    <ul className="pagination">
        <Prev {...props} />
        <Next {...props} />

Flipper.propTypes = {
  hasPreviousPage: PropTypes.bool,
  hasNextPage: PropTypes.bool

export default flip(Flipper)

The hasPreviousPage and hasNextPage properties are both injected simply by calling flip.


The flip() decorator is for simple 'previous' and 'next' links.

Injected Property Description
pageActions A set of actions targeting the relevant list
hasPreviousPage Indicates whether the current page has a previous page
hasNextPage Indicates whether the current page has a next page


The paginate() decorator is for full pagination controls, including specific page links as well as 'previous' and 'next' links.

Injected Property Description
pageActions A set of actions targeting the relevant list
hasPreviousPage Indicates whether the current page has a previous page
hasNextPage Indicates whether the current page has a next page
currentPage Current page number
totalPages The total number of pages


The tabulate() decorator is for components that render the results list.

Injected Property Description
pageActions A set of actions targeting the relevant list
results The records that make up the list
isLoading Indicates that the list is being fetched


The tabulateLean() decorator is for components that render the results lists that require inline updating. Similar to tabulate() but performs better when updates occur.

Injected Property Description
pageActions A set of actions targeting the relevant list
ids An array of ids corresponding to the records in the current page
isLoading Indicates that the list is being fetched


The stretch() decorator is for a component that can change the page size.

Injected Property Description
pageActions A set of actions targeting the relevant list
pageSize Maximum number of results per page


The sort() decorator is for a component that sorts the list by a given field.

Injected Property Description
pageActions A set of actions targeting the relevant list
sort The field to sort by
sortReverse Indicates whether to sort in reverse order


Something of a kitchen sink. Includes properties from most of the decorators listed above.

Injected Property Description
pageActions A set of actions targeting the relevant list
pageSize Maximum number of results per page
results The records that make up the list
isLoading Indicates that the list is being fetched
totalPages The total number of pages
sort The field to sort by
sortReverse Indicates whether to sort in reverse order


Allows you to create your own decorator. This function accepts two arguments:

  1. The component class or function to decorate
  2. A decorator function that accepts the component's props as an argument and returns an object.

An example decorator function to mimick our own flip() decorator would look like this:

export const flipper = props => {
  const { paginator } = props

  const totalPages =
    Math.ceil(paginator.get('totalCount') / paginator.get('pageSize'))

  const page = paginator.get('page')

  return {
    hasPreviousPage: page > 1,
    hasNextPage: page < totalPages

Putting it all together, to use this decorator with the flipper function, you might define a node module like this:

import { decorators } from 'violet-paginator'
import { flipper }  from './myCustomSelectors/flipper'

export default function flip(Component) {
  return decorators.decorate(Component, flipper)

You could then use your decorator to decorate your custom flipper component:

import React from 'react'
import flip from './myCustomDecorators/flip'

export function MyCustomFlipper({ hasPreviousPage, hasNextPage }) {

export default flip(MyCustomFlipper)

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